Monday, 16 July 2012

TDD is a Control System

Apart from executing Test Driven Development as a "Test First, Test Early" approach, it can be seen as a very basic Control System. So, it is not just about the "when" part (developing the testcases before writing the code) but it is also about the "what" and "how" part of it.

- What is the input you are considering for developing the testcases? Is it just the feature under development or is there something else?
- How are you implementing the iterative model for a progressive development towards Quality by constantly improvising the Quality of your testcases in the project cycle.

What is it about?

Let us say you are developing the testcases for your current iteration (or what you may formally call as a sprint in Agile terminology). Then, how about these feedbacks which go into your TDD model?

- First Level feedback from the internal testing done by the Team
- Customer Feedback for the Current Sprint
- Customer Feedback from the previous Sprint
- Customer Feedback from the Future Sprint

The first 2 items need no explanation and if I write something about them here, it would be just to fill up some space on this post. The last 2 items need a little mention as they are sometimes missed out in the project execution.

How about a small example here?

Let us say that you had delivered Login feature to the customer in your previous iteration and the customer reported a couple of errors around the error handling mechanism in the Login module. Okay, what a big deal and you fixed them more quicker than the customer reported. :) Cool.

Again the customer kept on reporting the similar issues with the other features as well. Well, this is definitely not a good news for both the customer and you, right?

- Customer Feedback from the previous Sprint

--- How the customer is trying to use the application?
--- What's that he is expecting from the application - functional, non-functional, error-handling, usability etc.
--- What are the lessons that you need to consider for the future iterations that would possibly have an impact on the design, testing coverage etc.

We used to call this as "Bug Analysis or Generic Analysis". It doesn't matter what name you give to it and whether you do it in the sprint review meeting or some other informal meeting. What matters is ensuring the "generic lessons are communicated to the team". Suppose in the example above, if the error handling issue is communicated to the respective developer only and another developer does the same mistake in another piece of code again, the purpose of TDD (and the Iterative and Incremental development) can be seen as falling short.

- Customer Feedback from the Future Sprint

Assume, in the example above, you had delivered a Registration feature before Login feature. But the error handling issue was reported on the Login module which you delivered now. The issue is valid for the Registration module as well and it is just that the customer had not caught that. Does that mean, you don't need to fix it in the Registration module because it was not reported there? Obviously, No.

This is what I mean by "Feedback from Future Cycle". This would fix the errors before they are reported. 'Bug is not reported' doesn't mean 'bug is not present'. Just like we do, customers also tend to report different types of errors at different times during project cycle. So, "Don't change the working code" can not applied literally here.

Are you ensuring that the team participates actively in the generic feedback analysis and shares that knowledge than treating it as a mere 'Bug Fix and Verification' cycle?

How useful was the feedback on the current iteration for the Quality of the iteration and for the overall Quality of the project itself?

How better is your TDD coverage in this iteration than the last iteration (Going- forward)?

Are you ensuring that a quick revisit to the previous iterations being done based on the feedback from the current iteration (Going-backward)?

"An effective analysis of a bug reported can help you fix multiple bugs in your software before they are reported"

(Attribution: Images downloaded from FreeDigitalPhotos.Net)

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